CELS - Certificates in English languages Skills
Certificates in English languages Skills
·Modular assessment of Language Skills
·Allow candidates to be assessed at different levels for different skills
·Comprehensive tests of listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing
·Based on authentic materials
·Assess the ability to use English in a variety of real-life contexts
·10 minute reading time - Tests of Reading and Writing
·Preparation time before Test of Speaking
·Use of dictionary (English-English)Offered by centres throughout the world
·Suitable for adult learners of all nationalities
What are the Certificates in English Language Skills?
The Certificates in English Languages Skills (CELS) are a set of modular tests. They allow you to take tests in one or more of the four Language skills, and to combine tests at different levels. For example, if you are particularly good at reading, but have difficult speaking English, you could take a CELS Higher test in Reading, CELS Vantage tests in Listening and Writing an a CELS Preliminary test in speaking. Or you could decide not to take a speaking test at all.
Tests are available at three levels:
CELS Higher
CELS Vantage
CELS Preliminary
These levels are linked to the Council of Europe's common European Framework (CEF) for language assessment, and to the levels of the other Cambridge ESOL examinations. CELS is also accredited as part of the UK National Qualifications Framework (NQF).
For more information on these levels, you can download a copy of the CELS Handbook from our website. You can also visit www.alte.org for an overview of the Can Do statements, which specify what you are expected to be able to do at each level.
Who are the Certificate in English Language Skills for?
The Certificates are designed for people aged 16 and over who are not native speakers of English. They are suitable for people of every nationality and cultural background.
An internationally recognised English language qualification is an important goal for many learners. Some people need certificates in order to show a university or an employer that they have the necessary level of English. Others simply want a certificate as proof of what they have achieved.
Many People, however, find that they are better at some of the four language skills - listening, speaking, reading and writing - than at others. This means that it is difficult for them to gain a certificate that truly reflects the level of their English. If you are one of these people, the Certificates in English Language Skills are designed to meet your needs.
What do I get when I pass the tests?
If you pass the tests, you will receive certificates, issued by University of Cambridge ESOL Examinations. These certificates show the level you have achieved in each of the tests you have taken. For each skill, you will receive one of the following grades:
Pass with Merit
If you do not pass one or more of the tests, you will be given a grade of 'Narrow Fail' or 'Fail'. This will not appear on your certificate.
Who runs the Certificates in English Language Skills?
The Certificates in English Language Skills are part of the range of examinations in English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL), provided by Cambridge ESOL, a department of the University of Cambridge. Cambridge ESOL provides examinations in General English, Business English, English for Young learners and English for Academic Purposes, as well as certificates and diplomas for language teachers.
Examination content
There are twelve tests in all, covering the four language skills - Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing - at each of the three levels. You can enter for each skill at a different level, and you do not have to enter for all of the skills.
The tests are based on authentic materials and consist of realistic tasks.
The Reading, Writing and Listening tests are sent to Cambridge for marking. The Speaking test is conducted at the examination centre by two examiners, trained and accredited by Cambridge ESOL.
The aim of the Test of Reading is to assess the candidate's proficiency in reading a variety of authentic texts; this is achieve through the use of task types that reflect as closely as possible both the reasons for and the processes involved in reading in day to day context.
Preliminary- 1hr 20minutes (including 10 minutes reading time)
Vantage - 1hr 40minutes
Higher- 2hrs
The aim of the Test of Writing is to assess written language competence through a variety of tasks which, where possible, reflect real-life situations and test a wide range of writing skills and styles.
Preliminary 1hr 10minutes (including 10 minutes reading time)
Vantage 1hr 40 minutes
Higher 2hr 10 minutes
The aim of the Test of Listening is to assess language competence through a variety of tasks which, where possible, reflect real-life situations and test a wide range of listening skills.
Preliminary 37 minutes (including 7 minutes to complete answer sheet)
Vantage 40 minutes
Higher 44 minutes
Speaking 20 minutes (in pairs)
This is a test of speaking in the context of general English proficiency in a range of different contexts including social, vocational and training.
Examination dates
May and November every year. Please find the detailed dates on Cambridge ESOL Chinese website:www.CambridgeESOLcn.org.
Where can I get more information?
You can get detailed information on the Certificates in English Language Skills, including a handbook and sample papers, from our website : www.CambridgeESOL.org/exam
CELS 英语技能证书考试
CELS Higher 高级
CELS Vantage 中级
CELS Preliminary 初级(英语中下等水平)
通过CELS考试的考生将获得Cambridge ESOL颁发的证书。证书将表明考生在每项考试中的成绩。对于每一项技能,考生将收得到以下的一项分数:
Pass with Merit优良
如果你未通过考试,你将得到 'Narrow Fail'-'差点及格' 或 'Fail'-'不及格'的分数。但是,这个分数不会出现在证书上。
CELS是剑桥大学ESOL考试部主办的ESOL考试范围的一部分。英国剑桥大学是一所世界闻名的高等学府。Cambridge ESOL作为剑桥大学一个部门,是世界领先的教育考试机构之一。它所提供的英语作为外国语的系列考试获得世界各国的承认,被用于入学、就业等各种用途。该机构自1913年开始举办以英语为外语的考试(ESOL),至今已经推出一系列考试及服务,包括商务英语证书(BEC)、职业外语水平测试(BULATS)、普通英语五级考试、少儿英语、语言教师资格证书等。目前该委员会在世界一百多个国家设有考点,每年有一百多万人参加该系列考试。
阅读初级 1小时20分钟
阅读中级 1小时40分钟
阅读高级 2小时
写作初级 1小时10分钟
写作中级 1小时40分钟
写作高级 2小时10分钟
听力初级 37分钟
听力中级 40分钟
听力高级 44分钟