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Introduction of ITELP Test

International Test of English Language Proficiency
  The International Test of English Language Proficiency (ITELP) is a three hour, paper-based test that includes the following 5 sections:
•Structure of Written English (20 multiple choice questions)
•Structure of Oral English (20 multiple choice questions)
•Reading Comprehension (35 multiple choice questions)
•Aural Comprehension (35 multiple choice questions)
•Writing Composition
  ITELP also includes a direct test of writing (based on writing a composition that includes reference to elements from four 'opinion samples' related to the topic, so as not only to engage students in a process similar to actual research writing, but also to discourage inclusion of memorized material).
  The test is structured specifically to elicit demonstration of language skills at or near a level suitable for entry to post-secondary education. That is the recommended use of the test: especially because the ITELP is largely an indirect test, it is not an alternative or an equivalent for the direct-measurement tests authorized by the Centre for Canadian Language Benchmarks. Also, the ITELP is not suitable as a general placement test because of its emphasis on higher-level questions; most low-skilled candidates will receive unsatisfactory scores, which indicate little more than that the student is far from ready for post-secondary study. Thus, the ITELP is designed for effective use with large numbers of test candidates in circumstances where the time-frame is relatively constrained.

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